Saswata Chakraborty,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Sathravada Balaji,
Sultan Khan,
Sushanta K. Mohapatra,
Pritha Patra,
Prince Sen,
Manasi Ghosh,
Krishna Kishor Dey,
N.M. Anoop Krishnan,
Kaushik Biswas,
Amarnath R Allu,
Kalyandurg Annapurna
Enhancing glass-forming ability and mechanical properties of barium-calcium-aluminate glasses through ZnO inclusion.
Journal of Non-Crystalline Solids, 2024
636, 123005.
Gangareddy Jagannath,
Rudra Pratyasha,
Chirumamilla Manohar,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Kasimuthumaniyan Subramanian,
Sahoo Sourav,
Jayanthi K.,
Rathod Jagannath,
Soma Venugopal Rao,
Das Subrata,
Gosvami Nitya Nand,
Krishnan N. M. Anoop,
Pedersen Kjeld,
Mondal Swastik,
Ghosh Srabanti,
Allu Amarnath R.
Multi-Functional Applications of H-Glass Embedded with Stable Plasmonic Gold Nanoislands.
Small, 2024
20, 2303688.
Shweta R. Keshri,
Indrajeet Mandal,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
S. Kasimuthumaniyan,
Rajesh Kumar,
Anuraag Gaddam,
Ankita Shelke,
Thalasseril G. Ajithkumar,
Nitya Nand Gosvami,
N.M. Anoop Krishnan,
Amarnath R. Allu
Elucidating the influence of structure and Ag+-Na+ ion-exchange on crack-resistance and ionic conductivity of Na3Al1.8Si1.65P1.8O12 glass electrolyte.
Acta Materialia, 2022
227, 117745.
Shweta R Keshri,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Rajesh Kumar,
Anuraag Gaddam,
Kavya Illath,
Ajithkumar T G,
Balaji S,
Annapurna K,
Narendar Nasani,
Anoop Krishnan N. M,
And Amarnath R. Allu
Ionic Conductivity of NASICON based Na3Al2P3O12 Glass Electrolytes − Role of Charge Compensators.
Inorg. Chem, 2021
60, 12893.
Anuraag Gaddam,
Amarnath Allu,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Hugo Fernandes,
George Stan,
Catalin Negrila,
Atul Jamale,
Francois Mear,
Lionel Montagne,
And José Ferreira
Effect of Vanadium Oxide on the Structure and Li-Ion Conductivity of Lithium Silicate Glasses.
J. Phys. Chem. C, 2021
125, 16843.
Sakthi Prasad,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Anuradha Jana,
Shashi Kant,
P.K. Sinha,
Sucheta Tripathy,
Kavya Illath,
T.G. Ajithkumar,
K. Annapurna,
Amarnath R. Allu,
And Kaushik Biswas
Elucidating the effect of CaF2 on structure, biocompatibility and antibacterial properties of S53P4 glass.
Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2020
831, 154704.
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Anuraag Gaddam,
Rajesh Kumar,
Sathravada Balaji,
Glenn C. Mather,
Maria J. Pascual,
Margit Fabian,
Renée Siegel,
Jürgen Senker,
Vladislav v. Kharton,
Julien Guénolé,
N. M. Anoop Krishnan,
José M. F. Ferreira,
And Amarnath R. Allu
Elucidating the formation of Al–NBO bonds, Al–O–Al linkages and clusters in alkaline-earth aluminosilicate glasses based on molecular dynamics simulations.
Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2019
21, 23966-23977.
Amarnath R. Allu,
Anuraag Gaddam,
Dr. Sudheer Ganisetti,
Sathravada Balaji,
Renée Siegel,
Glenn C. Mather,
Margit Fabian,
Maria J. Pascual,
Nicoletta Ditaranto,
Wolfgang Milius,
Jürgen Senker,
Dmitrii A. Agarkov,
Vladislav. v. Kharton,
And José M. F. Ferreira
Structure and Crystallization of Alkaline-Earth Aluminosilicate Glasses: Prevention of the Alumina-Avoidance Principle.
The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2018
122 (17), 4737-4747.